Branch 36 House League Darts Rules & Regulations 2002 - 2003 1. On registration night , preference will be given to players from the previous year 2. The entry Fee will be $30.00 to be paid by Nov 30. 3. All team players shall be members in good standing with Branch 36. 4. New members will be placed on a waiting list and advised as soon as possible if they have been placed on a team. 5. Captains meetings will be held if necessary. The captain, co-captain, or representative of the team will be required to attend. 6. Each team shall consist of not more than 9 players. 7. Each player shall report to his captain or substitute upon their arrival. 8. The league starts at 8.00pm sharp. (a 15 minute delay will be allowed in case of bad weather). 9. Each player present shall play at least 5 games. 10. Each player shall play at least 1 singles game every 3 weeks, if the player so desires. 11. Each player has to mark score for at least one game each night. 12. Players must attend 75% of the game nights to be eligible for the High Average award. (shift workers 50%). 13. A player is still allowed to play a singles match before the last doubles game is completed. A player is still allowed to play a doubles game before the last triples game is completed Late arrivals will not be guaranteed 5 games. 14. If a player misses 3 consecutive dart nights for reasons other than work or sickness, he will be dropped from the team and league. Another player will be picked from the waiting list to replace him. A player must notify his captain or representative of any absence. 15. If there are 6 players available when games commence , team captains will use the players available and not wait until other players arrive 16. Any player starting after New Year will enjoy all privileges, except High Average. 17. There will not be any spare players for teams. 18. Team with the most previous points will put their names down first in the Singles. The team with the lower number of points will place their names first in the Doubles. Team with the most previous points will put their names down first in the Triples. 19. One point will be awarded to the team for each win. 20. Total points will determine the team standings. 21. Points will also be awarded to each player, 3 points for single, 2 points for double, and 1 point for triple. ( win or lose ) These points are accumulated towards each player's average. 22. Playoffs: Each team shall alternate names for each game .The first team to reach 6 points is declared the winner. each round of the playoffs is considered a new series 23. Based on an 8-team schedule the top 4 will playoff (flight A)and the bottom 4 will playoff.(flight B) 1st Vs 4th, 2nd Vs 3rd , the winner of each play to determine A flight qualifier 5th Vs 8th , 6th Vs 7th , the winner of each play to determine B flight qualifier the winner of A flight Vs the winner of B flight for the team championship. 24. Based on a 6-team schedule the two top teams get a buy. The bottom 4 teams will playoff as follows, 3rd Vs 6th . 4th Vs 5th. The winner of 3 v 6 plays team 1. The winner of 4 v 5 plays team 2. The winner of these two games play for the team championship 25. During the playoffs the triples are played first, then the doubles then the singles. 26. Championships: During the Triples and the Doubles championships, each team must be listed. The first player listed will lead off in all games. 27. Protests must be made by the team captain or representative to the executive in writing and will be dealt, with by the executive, at their sole discretion. 28. The immediate past president will automatically be honourary to the new elected committee as advisor and consultant with no vote except in the event of a tie situation when he carries the casting vote. 29. Awards Banquet According to funds and an executive decision. 30. A deposit of $5.00 is required before receiving a banquet ticket. The money will be refunded on the night of the banquet if you attend 31. Any money left over after the banquet and league expenses will be returned to the players in the form of a cash rebate Playing Shorthanded When 5 players are present all 19 games will be played. During the triples, there will be a 3-man team on one board , and a 2-man team on the other board, every 3rd score on the shorthanded team will be counted a zero. When 4 players are present, the shorthanded team will forfeit 3 triples, one double and one single for a total of 5 games. During the triples there will be two teams of two players where every third score is zero. The shorthanded team can still win the night. When 3 players are present, The shorthanded team will forfeit 6 triples, 4 doubles and 2 singles. The shorthanded team loses the night but all points are added for their aggregate. If only 2 players are present 2 singles, 1 double, and 1 triple can be played. The shorthanded team takes zero every third throw in the triple. Both boards are to be used unless there are 3 players or less